meridian mugger2
Occupation: Part time Mugger

First Post:26/03/2005
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

5.12 Comics
By: Coco Wang

Please click on the images for a clearer version.
Really touching real life stories from Wen Chuan. In support of the effort by Coco, I'll be uploading them progressively.
Submitted by Shuhuan =)


10:31 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

One last post before D-Day

Due to time contraint, I'm blogging this before I doze off..Zzzzz....Anyway, Just wana thank Ben and Evan for those gifts abroad. And also all those buggers who have been mugging with me throughout these 4 weeks. Jiayou for all the subjects!!! There's just 3 more days left to Mid years! Muggers Boleh! Boleh Boleh!
MythBusters Meridian Edition Episode 3

In this episode of MythBusters Meridian Edition, we are testing the myth of what cards can open our back gate. All Meridians must be familiar with the experience of bwing locked out of the side gate when they arrive by bus. and we all know that the gate can only be opened by tapping the correct card(MJ teachers access only) at the card reader. In this episode, we are testing a number of "substitute" cards and we'll see which ones work.
1. EZ Link card:BUSTED
There was no response form the card reader. This is lagely due to the difference in electromagnetic frequency that can be read by the card. EZ Link is not compatible with the MJ reader.
2.Photocopy card: BUSTED
That's not a contactless card. Definitley impossible to be read by the reader.
There's no computer chip or anything metallic in that card. the reader'll be nuts if it could read it.
4.Kopitiam card: Plausible but still BUSTED
This is the most likely candidate but we are still unsuccessful at opening the gate. The reader was able to register the card and even flashed the green light, which means no error. But the card's code does not match the teacher's card. So too bad...still BUSTED.

That's all we've tested. next time, we will be testing the SENTOSA card as well as the "NETS WAVE" card. However, I shall predict that the SENTOSA card will be busted as well as the SENTOSA card can be registered by the EZ Link card reader. Which means its frequency is different from the MJ reader. So most probably it's busted. The NETS WAVE card I shall predict a plausible because this card is able to accpet a wider range of frequency so it is plausible that the reader is able to read it. But opening the gate will be another matter.
One alternative method will be to bring an industiral magnet, those very powerful ones, and slam it at the reader. Most probably, the stron magnetic force would destroy the reader and probably unlock the door.(Note: Don't try this. We don't guarnatee your safety)
And finally, the sure-open method. Bring an axe,chainsaw, or somthing big. Smash the electric lock and you'll be guaranteed clearance. But we will definitley not gurantee your safety. Especially if Ms Lai catches you.(Note: This is one of those "Don't try this at home" stuff. Seriously. you won't wana get caught doing this.)

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10:25 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Accidentally We Mug: Re-Mugged version2
I'm sure some, or if not most of you might have seen/read the "Accidentally We Mug" article on Mugalomaniac. Anyways, in order to make the song more suiting to the current situation we are in, I present you Accidenatlly We Mug Version 2! I've included the soundtrack in the blogskin for your listening pleasure9without modifications..unless u want me to sing=fat hope XD).
Original:Accidentally in Love: Counting Crows
Original Mug edition: Kenneth Ang. 2007 Meridian

Dedicated to all of you fellow muggers out there mugging for your whatever...test...exam..bla..=) Jiayou!

So she said what’s the problem Mugger
What’s the problem I don’t know
Well maybe I must mug (mug)
Think about it every time
I mug about it
Can’t stop cramming bout it.

How much longer will it take to solve this,
Just to solve it cuz I can’t ignore it if its maths (chem!)
Makes we wanna turn around and face it but I don’t know nothing ‘bout chem.

Oh.. Come on, come on
Mug a little faster,
Come on, come on,
You’ve gotta keep your focus
Come on, come on,
Because everybody’s gonna Muuuuuugggg…

So I said I’m a Mugger runnin
Runnin down into the books that spewing all this math
Brewing over lectures
Shooting out Physics
Econs n Chem

Well teacher I surrender
To the Mid-year exams
Never ever end of all these tests,
Well I did’nt mean to screw it
There’s no explaining these grades

These lines of red ink
Mean we’re always failing
Always mugging. Oh No!

Come on, Come on,
Solve this one more question,
Come on, Come on,
I wanna hear your answer
Come on, Come on,
Settle inside this schoool…

Come on, Come on,
Write this Econs essay
Come on, Come on,
If you feel a little higher
Come on Come on,
We are once upon a life in schoooool….

Well, accidentally we mug
Accidentally we mug(x7)

I’m Mugging (I’m Mugging)
I’m Mugging (I’m Mugging)
I’m Mugging (I’m Mugging)
Accidentally, (x2)

Come on, Come on,
Mug a little faster
Come on, Come on,
And the tests are coming nearer
Come on, Come on,
Just get yourself inside your notes….

For the sake of refferers under Syen's reccomendations, I've moved up this post. Original published: 10 June 2008

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7:50 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tell Tale Signs That You've Over-mugged:
1.You mistake the MRT map as your chemistry mind-map
2.Mugging becomes the hippest thing you ever knew.
3.You mistake Pandas to be one of your kind
4.You drink coffee/Coke instead of water
5.Going to school during the holidays daily is normal.
6.You suffer severe withdrawel effects when you stop mugging.
7.You feel like differenciating everything and integrating them again.
8.You think AD graph when you see Econs.
9.IVLE becomes your homepage.
10.You force your friends to mug.
11.Your friends force you to mug as well.
12.You find it absurd that Changi airport is used for planes cuz you mug there.
13.You start ranking places on how "mug-able" they are.
14.You think Harry Potter was insulting you when he say's "Muggle"
15.SHE stands for Standard Electrode Potential instead of Selena,Hebe,Ella
16.You find it crazy for people to go overseas during holiday.
17.You draw on your notes.
18.Your notes look more like Picaso than anything else.
19.You ask for consultation whenever you see "consultation"
20.MRT becomse the best place to sleep.
21.You get bored doing everything else.
22.You build a bridge with your cards when you play bridge.
23.You thought MJ Bamboo tastes great.
24.You visit the Chem/Physics/Bio lab for Spa treatments.
25.You agree with all of the above.

We are one Meridian!
We get our A's and B's
A thousand different students
Mug in Harmony
We will Mug together,
Together pen and hand,
As one United Muggers!
For Meridian!
(adapted from One United People. NDP 2003)


11:57 PM

CrossCurrents@ Osage Singapore,Old School(Former Methodist girls school)

This is the exhibition I have been telling some of you about. And my cousin, yes Kingsley Ng Siu King's art is being featured. And besides him, there are also numerous other artists from Signapore and China being involved. In total, there are 7 exhibits which should take about 1 hour to finish seeing them all. All these pieces are interactive media art. So the viwer is required to engage the piece to understand the meaning it is trying to convey.

First up, The Chinese mechanic T-Rex by some chinese Artist. this T-Rex will not scare you unless you provoke it by waving infront of the sensors. After that, the speakers and mechanic components will spring into action and..creat a sudden racket that'll scare you off your feet. Serious. So I suppose this is supposed to signify China as a rising power.

Different walks of life: These may look like normal photos. but they are actually formed by digitally combining numerous images of nhumerous persons in the same background. the effect, is this interesting+ghostly image? XD

360 degrees of airports. Showing the sights and sounds of an airport terminal and the stories that are acted out everyday. Happy ones..sad ones...

There's also this "Music dance' thingy at the old auditoriaum with laser and mist effect. Supposed to mimmick the music by a Guzheng.

Normal Chinese Communist propaganda poster being projected on a wall? Why does those faces look like me?

Cuz you've been caught on "candid Camera" Visitors have their faces being captured by a candid camera placed infront of the piece and their faces are being integrated into the picture. Supposed to mean how vulnerable we are to err..propaganda?

You can even listen to Mao speak whose back from the grave! ARRGGH!

And finally, Kingsley will present his piece: The musical wheel.
The musical wheel is essentially a horizontal revolving wheel where you get to sit in and there will be the sound of soft, slow music from a string instrument along with noise recorded from Kwun tong in Hong Kong. this is accompanied with laser light from the ceiling.

The sound of string instrument actually comes from these wires that are located along the sides of the wheel. As the wheel revolves, the is a needle that will strike the wire to produce the sound. the wires are arranged in such a way that the revolution results in an effect of a slow Chinese song played aon a Guzheng.

This is where the visitors will sit.

A few mediacorp artistes also came along for some filimg of the place. Which should be broadcasted soon..I hope....

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10:04 PM

Friday, June 06, 2008

NSC's spam juz reminded me. Congratulations to Team Meridian for the stellar performance at EXORO! Though we were not the best team we did our very best. So congratulations! And more congratulations to Geraldine, Faith and Wanlin for winning the most Creative Group name prize! Anyway, for those of you who were wondering why I did not appear at EXORO, I was only there that day to sub Wanlin who had tuition. So..yea..I'm not involved..But that does'nt mean I'm a noob okay! who knows..we will meet again....=)
Mugging Friday:
Spent most of today in school mugging with Mabel,Leon and Zimin.Not as productive as Monday cuz of the numerous times we had to change location due to being chased out of classroom by teachers or the study benches by the rain.

Went to disturb the Geraldines (yes 2 Geraldines) and Jeremy on our way to lunch. kena-ed the fat mixed-rice uncle again who gave me lesser food than usual. =( And bought lunch for the people who ordered food from us.

Afternoon was err..uneventful except for the time when Daniel and Jack decided to consume drugs in class. LOL..don't worry.. those are actually "Eclipse" Sweets I bought from NTUC. And kuku-me went to spill them all over the table and floor when I threw it to them. So...err..the extras they ate lor...=) See, I'm a bad person okay. (evil laugh)

hmm...I wonder what will happen if the teachers see this?=(

The following "joke" appeared recently on Taiwanese television.

One day a Chinese guy and an American were cleaning up their rented flat in L.A. The Chinese guy came across an unused box of condoms and was about to throw them away. the American stopped him and said,"Don't throw-em away. Give-em to the guy at Chinatown and he'll help us dump it in China! China's the American dumping ground!"
Soon after the American took out his pack of chewing gum, took out a slice and started to chew. He gestured to the Chinese guy and said,'Wan't one? It's nice!"
The Chinese guy pushed his hand away and said,"No thanks. This gum is made by the condoms you Americans discard in China.(smiles)" =D
Lesson learnt:
Dear Ang Mos,Never make fun of Chinese people cuz they will come back at you with vengence!!! muahaha!=)

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10:59 PM

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Best place to Mug @ Meridian

Be it rain or shine, many muggers have chosen MJ as THE place to mug due to their "unsurpassed" mugging comfort and condusive high-stress environment. To help fellow muggers make a more informed choice about their mugging destinations, we have compiled a list of mugging locations @ Meridian.

Pros:High level of seclusion and low noise level. This place is perfect when you want to isolate yourself from the rest of the planet and indulge in the intoxicating aroma of your mugging material. Don't worry if you mug until those Panda eyes develop. there's lots of bamboo for you!=)
Cons:It is illegal to mug here because Ms Lai designated it as a place for non-mugging activities. No chairs and tables provided. And if it rains, good luck to your mugging material. =)
Pros:Our Atrium is easily accessible from all parts of the college as well as towards mugging supllement ammenities such as kopi,drinks and snacks.There's of coffee-vending machine for hot coffee and hot-water tap for your cup-noodles. Plenty of mugging benches available so people won't have to fight for space.
Cons:The Atrium is VERY NOISY!
Tutorial rooms:
Pros:Low noise level and plenty of privacy for muggers. Classrooms are in ample supply and most can house up to 5-6 muggers if you want lots of room for your mugging material and fresh air.
Cons:There is NO air-conditioning and the tiny windows mean that the room gets very stuffy on a hot day. So only mug here when it rains.
Behind Bio-lab:
Pros: Natural air-con=no air-con but natural cooling. Large amount of space and very few muggers like to mug here due to its inaccessibility. Try to get a group of 4-5 if you want more life. Same as the tutorial rooms, there is ample privacy and low noise level for optimum concentration.
Cons:VERY Ulu and the security guard may lock you up in school cuz he won't bother to check the area..(Even if he's paid to do that...not I say one..cleaner unlce also complain about him)
Study benches:
Pros: You are always in close proximity to our snacks n Pokka vending machines so almost no need to walk. Plenty of teachers walk by here so muggers can hijack them with questions as and when they like.
Cons: Noise level is rather high and spaces are in high-demand. there have been many cases of J2s and J1s fighting over their mugging benches.
Study benches behind Hall(Personal favourite):
Pros:Low utilisation rate so no fighting over mugging benches. Plenty of leg-room and low noise level during holidays. Close proximity to PerKafe so you can get our nice nice Italian Soda and coke(we are the sole authorized vendor for Coke at Meridian).
Cons: When there's soccer match, you won't wana mug here.

Inside Perkafe(For authorized personel only):
As mentioned above, this service is only available with authorized permission from CEO,AMD and OI. In this case, biz clubbers, go contact Denise or Desmon then beg them to open cafe for you.
Pros:Aircon! and maximum seclusion and low noise level.
Cons:If Mrs Chong catches you, die! So do it if you dare!

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6:55 PM

Monday, June 02, 2008

I have no idea what I shall write. Anyway, I'm starting to feel the "holiday" stress coming. Why stress? You ask. In Meridian, holidays are meant for extra lessons to fill up the gaps we missed during E-learning days,public holidays and all other itty bits that we cannot finished because we are a bunch of hopeless muggers who need that extra injection of knowledge just to pass our exams. ARRGGHHH!
Anyway, just wana thank Siuyin and Zimin who have been mugging with me all this while, especially today, which was one of the more porductive days of the month.
To the MJ teams, Jiayou! You can will do MJ proud! =)
Photo credits: Zimin's Blog

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11:00 PM

Sunday, June 01, 2008

(Images provided by MingPao and
Today is June 1st,20 days after the quake struck and also the first ever large scale music marathon spanning 3 lands and 2 languages and it's all happening now at Kowloon.
During the show, many artistes sang and shared their own experiences at ground zero with the audiences which touched the hearts of many. I shall translate 2 of the most touching ones:

Mr Guo was teaching his class(Sec1) when the ground shook at 2.28 pm. And almost instantaneously, the roof of the classroom started to fall onto him and his students. He tried to evacuate the class when he saw 4 boys just about to be crushed by a falling piece of concrete. He jumped onto the 4 of them just as the slab slammed head-on on his back.
The 4 boys had only minor injuries but Mr Guo was severely injured by the crushing force of the concrete and all 5 of them were trapped. But despite the grim chances of being found he continues to encourage the boys to survive.
"The road to heaven is very crowded" he said,"There is a brighter path ahead of you. Without my nagging and scolding. Remember to stay strong and overcome all challenges you face.I will look out for you from heaven."
The next day, rescue workers located these 5 victims and start to excavate them. At the same time, Mr Guo's 20-year old daughter,Guo Qing just rushed in from Chengdu by foot and help from the locals.
"Pa!" she shouted,"Hold on!"
"Go help those uncles save my kids!"he shouted back.
After 6 hours of excavation, the rescuers pulled the first child out of the wreckage. All 4 of them were huddlign in Mr Guo's wrath. Mr Guo was the last to be pulled out. He suffered mutiple injuries and was bleeding profusely. Guo Qing was by his side when he was recued. Sadly Mr Guo passed away on his way to the hospital. he died with Guo Qing by his side.
"Pa, the road to heaven is very crowded. Please take good care of yourself. I will arrange for lights to guide you."

Maternal Love母爱:
BeiChuan town was almost leveled by the earthquake and rescuers were trying to pull a giant slab of concrete away. One of the Hong Kong actresses was on site. Once the rescuers removed the slab, they found a young mother still cuddling her 3 month old baby. The young woman was stone cold and she was confirmed dead on the spot. but her child was still alive because of his mother's warmth and milk. Even at the brink of death, every parent will always sacrifice every bit of hope for their children. When the recuers pulled the child away from his mother, he suddenly cried very loudly and painfully. Probably because he knows that he will never feel the warmth of his mother again.
At this point, this particular actress paused and pondered:
What have I done for my son at home?
Have I given him the love he deserves?
Only I am the only person who will never harm him.

As the show continues, there are more stories to be told and more encouragements to be broadcasted. And as we take a step back, we ask:
When was the last time I said something nice to my friends?
When was the last time I said "I love you" to the people I love?
When was the last time I said "Thankyou" Sincerely?
Have I truly treasured every single friend and my family?
Pleae treasure every moment you have with your loved ones. And don't be lazy to say anything nice to them. We never know when is the last time you will ever see your loved ones.
(This blog will observe a moment of silence for all the victims by terminating the music service until this post is pushed down.)

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10:15 PM