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Friday, December 25, 2009

The Story of the GOLDfish...
Inspired by YMPACT candle light service Dec 24 2009

Once upon a time, in a land.....not far at Pasir Ris Street 21, lived a very blur..I mean..very very blurrrrr..... and studious girl by the name of....MARIE. Her academia at Junior College were very very average. And she kept a very very big aquarium (Ok...let's turn our attention away from this insignificant character....) Oh wait....she's now going to narrate....haha!
7am. Weather: Sunny, few clouds.
As I look out of the window a wonderful scenery came to my eyes. The morning breeze blew into my face and the birds chirped wonderful music into my ears. People are rushing about their work and busying about their lives. Some not knowing what they are busying for. How beautiful a world God has made for us.
I turn my attention from the window to my aquarium. The tall water plants look like the sky scrapers in town and the fishes swim about busily hurrying from end to end. I picked up the fish food and dropped them into the aquarium. All the fishes swam towards me and gobbled the food. Jack and Jill were among them. Their orange scales glittered in the sun rays that entered the room. Meanwhile, breakfast was ready. I gobbled my food just like how Jack and Jill did.
I walked back to the tank and put my nose up at the glass. Jack and Jill swam hurriedly away from me. Oh Jack, Oh Jill, why are you so afraid of me? I am thy, who gave you your food. I am thy who cared and loved you. Why are you so scared of me?
One day, Jack and Jill got angry with each other. They fought and bit each other. Poor Jack's eyes were injured and they were infected. I used my net to catch him and put him in a quarantine tank. As I tried to catch him, I could see the terror in his eyes. Why do you fear me Jack? I'm here to help you! How much do I wish I could talk to you. What would happen if I reincarnated into a fish?
2009 years ago, this was probably what God felt like when he peered into the world he created. His children were fighting each other and He could not communicate with them. So He sent His reincarnation down to earth to talk to them and spread them His love. His reincarnation is none other than Jesus.
Ofcourse I am not God, but I shall pray that He would help me spread my love to them.
~End. =)
At the state of the world today, it's not surprising that God might see us the same way just like how Marie saw her fishes- Jack and Jill.

Anyway, to those who don't understand what I wrote above, never mind! Christmas is a time to give and celebrate. Hope everyone had fun and MOST importantly, given someone love and care. Merry Christmas!!! =)


10:38 PM

Biz Club Re-U

Wahaha! Here's the photos for our Re-U on 22 December. So long never meet up already! But at least everyone's doing fine. Especially 'Somebody' who already has a licence and...hehe...cannot say!!! =)

Gift exchange! Turtle Vs Rabbit

Charles looks very hungry..=)

Merry Birthday??? FOOF!!!The candle relights again!! Geraldine!! Blow harder!

EHH! Who are you O-ing at???

haha! Mug VS Xmas tree!



We tried to bake turkey..and..dissecting it....ZOMG!!! What happened?!


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10:56 AM

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Silent Night

Silent Night,Holy Night
and all is fine...

This was the scene at the Sanctuary at PMC at 9pm on December 24th, 2009 years after the birth of Christ. Peaceful yet illuminating. This year's Christmas service had a bit more meaning to me compared to previous ones I went for, probably because this year I have truely surrendered myself to Him. this also brings me to the LG outing yesterday. (Actually most of what we talked was...hehe...rubbish) but the conversation we had on the bus brought about some thinking.
Given a choice, would you be a Good Christian who followed God from day 1? Or a previous dry/non-Christian? Actually there's no answer.
No doubt, the best answer is to be the first one. Be a good Christian from the day you are born and be faithful to Him. By doing so, you are loyal and will not do any evil. You are close to all His children in Church. However, such Good Christians also have a problem, especially the younger ones who are less mature. They have never had a profound or impactful experience with God. Sometimes they may even wonder...what has God done to me? Therefore it takes a longer time for them to truely understand and appreciate the love God has for them.
For a dry/non-Christian who found themselves in Church after some time...or in some cases a long time away form God, they may have some difficulty integrating into the Church as most of His children are quite used to each other and it takes some time to get used to a new member. However, this person will appreciate God much earlier than the good Christian.
Some of you may doubt what is mentioned above. Though I personally regretted not going back to Church earlier. But, at least I went back to Him in the end.
And I'm glad to say I'm very grateful that God made be go through this hardship this year and I've finally submitted myself under His arms because I feel at peace with Him and His children. =)


11:56 PM

Monday, December 21, 2009


Finally! After slaving so long (except the hiatus during camp) I've finally finished all the cards for the 4! =) WOOSH! Although the process was not very enjoyable..I admit...( I never knew drawing could be such a chore..cuz there's just SOOO much to think and plan!!) But none the less I'm satisfied! =D YAY! Time to celebrate Christmas!!! I'm SOOOO looking forward to the Re-U tommorow!
哗!搞了这么久,终于把那四张生日卡画好了!在我始画画这么久以来,从来都没有嫌弃过画画会很麻烦。但是这次就不同了。应为设计花费的时间真的是很长! (也许是我对自己的要求提升了。哈哈!)不过,终于完成了还是感到满足,开心。真的是等不到明天的聚会呢!啊!=)
LG gathering at Orchard this Wednesday!! WOOSH! Can't wait!!


10:35 PM

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The most precious 5 days:

I've made up my mind over my career path! I will take up Social Sciences in Hong Kong! (If results permit). Reason? Because it's one of my favourite choices (like DUH!) and it is very meaningful because the job scope allows me to help and touch alot of people! Especially in Hong Kong where such help is needed. And where did I get this inspiration? From Him.

(read on..)

Five days,is just like going to work for many people. But these 5 days was a spiritual awakening for the campers at the YMPACT 13th Crossing.
One of the most inspiring passages was:
Therefore I am now going to allure her;

I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her- Hosea 2:14

Obviously the desert is a harsh environment. So what does this mean? When He wants to speak to you, he will 'allure' you to a quiet or hardship where you will grow closer to Him. Thinking back, NS is the desert that He 'allured'..or should I say force? Since we guys don;t have a choice. But none the less this period of hardship brought me the sudden realisation that I had been drifting further away from him and that it's time that I go back to him where he will 'speak tenderly to me'. So this 2 years is not wasted. Even though I learnt practically nothing out of NS (other than lots of vices like back stabbing..and more back stabbing?) I was brought back to Him through the hardship and he has made me mature through the ordeal.

Then there was this game that really touched me. It was a maze with 2 point whereby my team members (all blindfolded) had to pick up something and walk back to the finish point. And I was 'volunteered' to be the leader to shout out directions to the group on where to turn, which direction to walk and so on. Sounds easy? There's a catch. There's also another team doing the maze at the same time so you need to compete in volume with another person. And the facilitators will distract your team members by shouting wrong orders,pouring water, ice,tickling stuff at them.
This game reminded me of how it feels to be God. the role I pl
ayed was actually God, who is guiding us( my team members) through our lives. The distractions are the many temptations that lie around us and the water and ice are the so called 'punishments' that people suffer. It was very difficult for them to hear me because of all the noise and distractions but we ultimatley completed the course. What really made me feel bad was that all my team members got wet when I was dry and screaming my lungs out. So in the end I volunteered to get water on myself =(

This game also explained why sometimes out prayers are not answered: there's just too many noise ( distractions, temptations) that block out God's voice and his answers. Take time to 'go to the desert', in this case somewhere quiet and pray. You might as well get the answers.

I would like to thank my group for their support and fellowship throughout the camp. Especially to Joel, who broke the ice with his funny pranks and lame jokes. Without him, our group would not have been so bonded. Thankyou Rachel for being the 'teacher' of the group and leading us through the lessons. Thankyou Daniel for helping me especially when I'm away helping 'casualties'.
And where do such great people come from? They're gifts from God! Be it whether these friends are Christian or not, they are still gifts from him.

Just look at this group of jokers: not all of them are Christians but they hold a special place in my heart. Without them my youth would have lost alot of colour.
This brings me to my next subject: testimony. Alot of Christians claim they have miraculous experiences with God. They've underwent extreme transformations to their lives. However, do all Christians undergo such dramatic lives? Ofcourse not! The best testimony to the greatness of God is the fact that all of us are happily living in peace and having enough to clothe and eat! Or for the friends around me, the fact that they've survived all the way up to A levels and University when so many others have failed. So the miracle of God, or your testimony is that simple!
Love the friends and people around you! You are already doing a great job! =)

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10:43 PM

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Don't Hit Own People

As God's children, we are not supposed to fight against one another. But when it comes to fun and games...hehe! Today's Orientation was dirty!!! and fun!!! =) water, Flour and..lot sof other things! Really looking forward to the actual camp! WOOSH!
Thanks to all the people who do lots of stuopid things to entertain us =) We really appreciate the atmosphere!


11:21 PM

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Smile in the Sky

2008年12月1日的晚上你在那里?那些有去Prom Nite的人那个时候应该在忙着卖衣服,打扮自己。我自己就在上海,忙着跟朋友聊天。但是各位当晚有没有看看那晚的夜空呢?如果大家有留意的话,应该会发觉到天上正挂着一个微笑。弯弯的月亮,旁边挂着两颗闪亮的星星:木星和金星,散发着无限的光芒。
Where were you on the night of December 1st 2008? Those going to Prom Nite must be shopping for clothes..I think? I myself was in Shanghai. The weather was cold and ofcourse I did not bother to go out of the house. I spent the whole night chatting.. forgot with who. But did anyone look up at the sky that night? If you had noticed, you would have found a big smile bearing down at you. Basically this is a rare astromonical occurance whereby the planets of Jupiter and Venus happened to be in a line together with a cresent moon to form this smiley face in the sky.
Late december 2008 was a horrible month for many people in Hong Kong and Singapore alike. Trust was corrupted but is hope corrupted as well? Did the surprising occurance of the smiley face bring you any warmth or sweetness? that depends on you! This month, one year after the occurance, my friends around me (sorry..applies to girls only! haha! We guys need to wait 1 more year!! Coming soon!!) are slaving hard over their work: studies..exams..yada yada...Sometimes fate is very inhuman. It just hapens to throw the wrongs things at you at the wrong time. There's also no 'smile' in the sky this year. But don't be demoralised! There's alot of people quietly supporting you, praying for you! Relax and concentrate! Things will settle down eventually! Smile!

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5:46 PM

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Mainland Chinese
I know. Alot of us like to scold the Mainland Chinese for things that went wrong. Such as people who block the escalaters,people who smoke,spit and do lots of disgusting thing sin public...but today I realised something that made me change my perspective of them.
While teaching a group of 'students' how to do IV(Intravenous Infusion) I happened to take a pair of students from the mainland. To be exact, both of them are from FuZhou,Fujian. While all the other students were screaming in pain when the needles entered their skin, these two were very calm. One of them even had to have the needle go through the veins on the back of his hand. This part is the most painful part of the body to do IV on because the bone and vein is very close. Last time someone did that on me, I screamed like hell. However, this chap not only did not scream, he was able to withstand the pain! WOW!
This must have been some really great peseverance! And from what this guy told me, his life was not so...(nice) so this bit of pain was nothing to him. He really won my respect for his strength. Sometimes, we may be more educated than some people. But we still have alot to learn from them.

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8:48 PM