7:41 PM
Friday, July 10, 2009
Asian Youth Games
Anyways..yes..I know the AYG ended quite some time ago but it took me quite long to come up with this cartoon. And I'm quite sure it was quite some time since I was part of that blue mugger crowd too! Another mass group drawing I'm doing featuring most biz people again and some of our junior btach. =D A common scene in 2004. I chanced upon this old photo on wikipedia So I drew part of it...and changed the location =D very random...=D Question: Can you do CPR on Yourself?
I'm quite sure some of you might have heard of rumours on the internet that if you cough 10 seconds before a heart attack, you are actually doing CPR to prevnet your heart from stopping. (Sound's wierd eh?) answer is..yes..it is bullshit =D CPR can only be done by a second person. And PLEASE take note! Only do CPR on people with NO pulse and NO breathing!!! =).
And sorry..no Chinese today..I was too lazy to translate.
Labels: Charles, Chris Chen, CPR, Denise Gan, Desmond Goh, edwin, Geraldine Tay, Hui Wen, Janson Goh, JiaXian, Jing Xuan, jonathan ho, random, SiuYin, wanlin, Wei TIng, Zimin
8:58 PM
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Singapore Games Expo '092009年新加坡電玩節
Whoa! Alot of chiobu le!
上個禮拜天,我們跑到新達城去買禮物給默默先生和默默小姐 =)哈哈! 結果走了半天還沒找到我們要的東西.吾。。。
We had a hard time figuring out what to buy for ***** and ***** in the city. Since Suntec was having a Games Expo we decided to go kaypo kaypo. =) And what an interesting find it was!
I'm not a great fan of ang mo comics...in fact,I've never read one in the first place. So most of them look alien to me. (And sorry Star Wars fans..I've never watched Star Wars before! XD)
haha! very Kawaii right?!
And....Happy 19th Birthday Jia Xian!!!! =)
Jia Xian!!生日快樂!!=)
Labels: anime, Jack, JiaXian
7:31 PM
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Nite @ Clarke QuayClarke Quay 之夜This was part of our SIS(HK) reunion last Friday. And the whole lot of us (not very but quite) innocent 'kids' tried some things we'll probably won't dare to for a long time to come.
One thing you won't wana try though, is Shisha. It really makes you cough like nobody's business and..trigger your asthma attack if you have asthma. (VERY Bad for our medics at Central..hehe!)
不過,各位讀者們。。。請不要嘗試shisha. 因爲,玩過shisha的人,尤其是第一次的,將會哮喘病發。。哈哈。。不是開玩笑的哦!我玩過后真的要咳死呢!
Shelson drinking =) I forgot what's the name of that drink...something..bomb? yea..=D Actually it's quite nice..not very strong and definitley not deadly for first timers.
Shelson飲酒呢!-_-" 這個飲料叫“??Bomb“。我都忘記它叫什麽了。它的含酒量滿低的。。相信第一次喝酒的人不會有太大的問題。=) Shelson and Shu FayeRandom... 無聊。。。
In the end, we had to 'escort' somebody home because he never take the train or bus before. haha! Too bad I'm not that rich!=D
在我們6只‘動物’之中,其中一位‘朋友’是從來沒坐過港鉄或巴士.哈哈! 結果還要我們送他回家呢!我才沒呢麽有錢!=D
Labels: clarke quay, random, SIS
12:18 PM