Overall standards:**** (out of 5 stars)Food: ****
Ooh lala! Salad de magnifique!Overall the business class experience was just damned COOL. At first when I was upgraded, I stoned because I never expected to have so much luck by my side. (Better go consult a FengShui master to get more of this!!!XD) And you almost never get to rub shoulders with the..well..elite? cuz all the other fellow peasants are stuck in Economy and having endure leg-room narrower than that in MJC's LT4 while I get to recline to the max and stretch out my legs like free. =D haha!
Credits: Probably, one of the factors for my immense luck will be the phenominal number of blessings I got from so many people. So...thankyou to everyone who blessed me! I would'nt have gotten upgraded without you! haha! As a responsible mortal I shall return my blessings to you! =) Soon...=)HongKong Snippets By I-MUG
This is the porch at my place. It's also the only place in the house where I can have stable access to WiFi. Courtesy of PCCW (Another lousy internet service provider) That bloody thing dc's all the time! =( And yes. Please be honoured that I still think of you people even when I'm away. hehe! XD
This is Lok Ma Chau Station. Nice right? Probably the most nature friendly and most nature-close station in HongKong. English Translation: Livelihood is to help others: Not in Econs.
The enterprising businessmen create jobs for the employee to work on.
The hardworking employee allows the company to earn big bucks.
The boss and employee rely on each other.
In the financial crisis, they unite to fight the war.
They weather the storm together
Both should accept educed incomes.
The boss looks after his employees
And the employees continues to work hard.
The profits will be enlarged and the economy will porsper.
Probably on of the more enlightening poems along the pedestrian bridge at near the Central Star Ferry Pier. So, to all employers and businessmen: Please DO NOT retrench your employees unless there is an absolute must. You may have just removed a potenial of saving you company or business!=) Let's all sail through this crisis together!
"We're all in this together!" ~ High School Musical 1.
Christmas shopping status: 40% complete? Here's where I got the plastic playing cards. I bought 2 designs. The fist one is last year's, which is the same as mine. The other one is this year's design. =) To those who ordered, you shall count on your 'yuan fen" to see which design you get. Both are of different styles One is nicer to look at, the other is nicer to play with, so whether you like it depends on your taste. XDMugger Feet Walk China 2008No need to guess. You know where I am.
HoHoHo!What's this?! It's YiLi Milk! And it's made in China! And it's laden with...errr...you know what it is yeh? Yucky Mal*****ne yeh? haha! Did I drink it? Yes! Do I have a choice? No! =(Don't worry. I'm still alive.
Thank goodness I'll be staying in Shanghai for the whole of the next week. So no going of all those weird places where you get wild ducks that fly in from Mongolia laden with H5N1! (Like last year...OMG! I dun wanna eat that again!)Phew! =)