OMG! It's Camp!!! =D Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands. ~Deuteronomy 7:9 World Cup is here!!! Everyone's waving their flag and feeling more hyped up than before! But spending time with God was even more EPIC than the most 'awesmazing' matches! What's a person who is poor in spirit? In lay man's terms, this basically refers to someone who is 'less holy'. But are they as blessed as those who are strong in spirit? As long as you are humble and submissive to the Lord you will be blessed. This was clearly demonstrated in the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collectorin Luke18:9-14, whih compared the attitudes of a religous man who is full of himself and a sinner who humilifies himself in front of God. This reminds me of my own ego. Especialy when I start comparing people. I may be more knowledgeable than some people according to 'certain' standards, but I may also be lacking in many areas. So what am I to comment on people or criticize them? However, inaction itself can be a sin, especially when you are very sure that if you do not take action, the situation maight deterioirate dramatically. Most importantly, I feel, is to express with mutal resct and voice my views without demolishing other people. Don't be proud of your knowledge. AND Have a sense of NEED for God =D Eddie is just entertaining! =) And so are the many many other people who camped with us =D yay!!! The 'Happy Day' song is still stuck in my head! All of us are precious to God, and so are the talents he gave to us. Some of us may be less outspoken than others but every single talent we have is indispensible for camp. So don't just judge people with our first impressions. Some talents may take a longer time to discover but we may be needing these talents from these people. =D Ahhhhh! So tired! (Looks at Jeslyn and Bryan. hahaha!) But we pesevered!! Even through sleepless nights! Because we keep on trusting Christ and is promises: No matter how we may feel, no matter what others may say and no matter the circumstances may look, we live by FAITH not by sight! =) And why were we sleepless?Tadah!!! Epic right? It took us 2 nights just to construct. And lots of sweat. Kudos to the build team! =) And before we demolish it, a final crawl through the maze. =D 'Come near to God and He will come near to you.' James4:8 I'm quite sure all of us had a 'Happy Day' for the past week and let's try to keep it that way in our daily lives. =) Oh Happy Day, Happy Day, You washed my sins away. Oh Happy Day, Happy Day, I'll never be the same!!!!=D
The wonderful things that happen when you least expect... Never knew urban China looks THAT nice! Sometimes certain things just don't turn out as what you wished for. But that might be a blessing on its way! And something beautiful happens! Hong Kong's going to war next week on the streets. =( arrrgghhh! Stupid politicians! =(