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Saturday, July 30, 2005
This was really a stupid week....
Let's start with the good part...
Wow....Mdm Ong got some problem so she id not come to school for the entire week....and we were like...great.....free period lor....Then, unexepctedly, the school actually got this Mr Ng to teach us E maths for the week. Then he ws like soo the funny lor...and we were like.."this is gona be a great week...." yep, this guy is a real joker. The way he talked was unbearably funny...then the whole class was like laughing like crazy.....Then he told us that he was also a part time actor and told us to see him " arrested" on crime watch for "illegal betting" Wierd you know....how can a teacher be a calafare at the same time? But we were in a laughing attitude...so all we ould do was to laugh.......
Now the not so good but quite good part.....
Friday....the last day for the Toa Payoh competition. We had alot of things undone....after school, SP,Ying and me stayed back to rush through the whole project...we rushed and rushed untill 4pm when Farida say she wanted to close the library....great...the deadline was 5pm...e had to rush there by 5.....with alot of things undone.....Mr Teh came in a short while to check on us..then he gave us $20 to take cab. But still cannot finish....so go to Ying house to finish it...then we scan n print n typed...meanwhile, her lil cousin was singing as HI5 was on on KIDS central...aiya....so young like to sing liao....grow up maybe become like SP..."sing " alot...we duno scan and print but print wrongly...we were doomed. Then they made me call their office to inform ask them if they could accept ours later...then they say we could hand in the next day before 12pm...phew! So we went to coffee bin there to practice dance..SimYee and Michelle were there teaching the kids. Then the kids were like a bit crazy lor....when they see SP, they were like in hystercs and shouting" SeowPeng jie jie!!!!!!!" wah...then they surround her......aiya...she popular lar....~no choice no choice...~sp...maybe her personality and height makes her easier to interact with the kids.....hahaha...no offence........
Now the bad part.....
Great.....so many tests his week.....SS and History were still ok....at least I knew what to write. The real killer was chemistry.....It was SUPER hard. I could not do alot of the MCQ questions....reallly crazy lor....how can like that one........
Now the Ugly part....
Stupid Darren Lau Bui Song is having his own "PMS" super attitude.....alwaes want to pick me for fight.....crazy lor...how can u say i gay lor.....since when!?!?! how can I be gay if I had crush on girl lor....stupid lar...no sense sia....stupid insane bitch!!!!!! DARRENISABITCH lar!!!!! aiya.....dun feel like fighting wif u....cuz u "mei yo zi ge" .....not even fit to be a human...wat can i say? red furry monster onli....lik i care....haiya....no choice no choice....cannot afford 2 b human so jealous lar......n i dun tink u will understand wat toking me cuz u not human lar.....stupid suckup!!!! aiya.....in conclusion hor...darren is just nothing lar k....not worth it to b angry wif him.....
10:57 PM
Friday, July 22, 2005
22July 2005
Wah....I am now super tired...this Speech Day is like super siao lor..Ok...start from Physics....
Physics was as usual very difficult to understand. Mr Wee talked and talked about heat capacity and how to calculate and all that stuff until I was almost going to fall asleep. Then when the bell rang I was like "YES! can be free liao!" Then went through same routine then went to find Mrs Yeo. She gave me a bunch of last minute instructions until I was a little blur. Then I had to last minute draw blazer because she want me to be the doormen. It was like super hot in the blazer lor. Then change and go for dance.
Dance was quite fun. However, we hadn to do double of what we learnt usually because we leant 4 sets in 1 hour. Yesterday we did 2 sets in 2 hours! So we did like super fast. Fortunatley they were not those kind of hard hard ones. phew! Then Sim Yee say that she don't want to bring her big radio back. So KT n Me had to sacrifice our locker for her to stuff in the oversized radio. So we stufed LeeMin's locker...ai....sorry lar...but no choice.....Then we had to rush off to prepare for speech day...stupid lar....hot blazer........
Speech day....I had to stand outside the main door to "welcome guests into the auditorium. Aiya...so weird lor...somemore there were so many UG people standing next to me and we were the only ones walking around. Then when everyone went in, I had to "take care" of the door and don't let anyone in. So hot in the blazer lor. Can die lor. Only untill Mrs Chee let me go in and watch that I can relax a bit. Then finally at 5.15, I was allowed to go council room and eat burger. i was like soo hungry...I simply gulped the thing down lor. Then I had to rush up to the hall to welcome people to eat. Ai....i still had to wear blazer..so sad...then I saw mdmYO! walk out of the audi to get back in to take prize. Then I was like "What?!" Then when I got the booklet from SP that I know that YO! got service in TKm for 25 Years! OMG!!! How can the people tahan?! Then later I went to talk Canton to KhiaPeng. Amazingly she understand what talking me! So that means canton is still understandable in Singapore! HAHA!
23 July 2005
Ai..slept late on Friday. Wake up at 7 because mum woke me up. Then by right I could go bowling with Mr Teh and SP and Ying and Ray.....and all the Media people...but mum made me go tuiton....what can I say? " so unhappy in a group of happy people...." ~Ying~ can't help it lar....but I shall quote you....
9:59 PM
Saturday, July 16, 2005
haiz....this is like so what lor.....duno how to say le....ok....friday...It was lik soo sian and tired after that whole day of lessons. After school there was again some stupid council meeting. It was about speech day. And we were briefed and so on.....hai...sian....had to see so many stupid faces until I really felt like vomitting. Then it was the much more better part. Go for COPE!!! So SP, ying n me went to coffee bin/ st hilda's link. We did not help out in coffee bin because there were already sec2s there to help. More importantly, we had to practice fot the dance! I danced very horrible...cannot even do the steps properly. At least I finally got some touch up from sim yee when she came later. We then practice lor...and the kerron went to count for us. He count like duno wat lor...soo fast...Then went to play with kids. We played captains ball. We hen change vene duno how many times due to this and that then it rained so we played in the void deck. Just enough space for the ball to fly. So we played lor.Quite fun lor....we let the ball fly here fly there...almost damage puplic prperty le...hahaha...sooo fun. After that we went in to eat Durian cake. I never eat cuz I disliked durians...very the smelly le...then they duno say who's birhtday bring durion or what....ai....dun ask me lar....we then ask SP to buy...haha....Then we make iced milo and we made the fridge, table n floor dirty....wah...ghad 2 clean lor....then later SP n Kerron forgot who's was who's cup. Ai....never mind lar...the most just drink each other saliva only...haha....no problem one........but they dunwan le....so "yan jiu yan jiu" untill they found out Keron the cup got less ice powder...4got liao.....By then alot of people have left liao and they were closing. So how? Dance on void deck lor. ..then we 1,2,3,4,...5,6,7,8....1,2,3,4,...,5,6.....until very tired.....Then one of the auntie from coffee bin gave us some fruits to eat so we like eat lor. It was cherry , tomato and some other kind of berry. Quite nice lar....bot sweat not sour....Now the BAD part.....Saturday....Wake up early morning for tuition. thanks for the stupid council meeting on Tuesday. Make me miss tuition. The teacher was already pissed off with me already. But there was again yet another council meeting that morning....Stupid lor...so had to miss council meeting.... Now the Mrs Yeo say what have to have rules and have to punish blah blah blah......so what lor....council big ar.....i already duno how pissed with the council lor...especially wif ome people who alwaes call for stupid meeting for duno what reason....crazy lor....aiya...dun care lar...get scolding then get scolding lor......council not big ok....stupid lor...so what if i chian bian...har...so what if i pai kia...so....can you care?!?!?! NO!!! so...what is the problem.....heck care las...stupid people....i today very "xiang fa pi chi" noe...i want to " sha ren" you noe....want to kill people le..."o fat fung lor" " lei hoi yi zhou di mut ye!?!?" heck care council lar....it SUX!!!....aiya....really stress up liao....heck care liao..... scold scold lor....whahahahahahaha.....i am so crazy....so die lor.....lalalala.....i wont even think of ....aiya....blah blah...
10:43 PM
Friday, July 08, 2005
Haiz.....finally do I have the time to blog. It is like so damn busy. Even the computer is now used for work. Great..anyway.....here is the 1st 2 weeks of school summarized to a few paragraphs....
Monday June 27Ok....so we had to stay back for reheasals for the stupid investiture. we did not book the hall and we carried out only part of the investiture. Somemore it started at 4pm! At least I could make full "use" of the 2 hours. Welfare com bonding! But the problem was I got stuck in a hopeless mess. Great. Being chased around and whacked and laughed by sec2s is actually quite fun....lols...so it is a price to pay to be the chair....and I will get to USE them some day..hahaha...lols...Friday July 1stReunification day for HongKong. The first time I saw fewer people going for crappy protests. Really, they are nothing but spoiled and brainless people. they should know that HK the community service is counted as good. it is even better than S'pore....what can you say? When do you see a government that gives money to people to sue the government? Anyway..tok about closer things.....I went to coffee Bin, fun, play with kids for a while before going home....then I met my cousin who was coming to S'pore....great....can eat and play....Monday July 3rdber told mw we were having bonding at ECP. But only she and me turned up. So we don't know what to do...than we met Jon Tham so we cycle lor...then he show off how good he can blade lor....lols....he is quite good at it though...then nothing lor....haiz...boring..Wednesday July 6Council investiture.....BORING being the original batch of sec3 councillors, we could not wear blazers or go on stage. Only the sec2s and sec3 probation people could...isin't it crazy? How can less senior people dress more formally than senior people? Anyway....so all we" original ppl" did was to....march in, sit,clap,say pledge,almost screw up pledge,smile,sit,clap,laugh,say that the dance was great...yup, the dance was superb. i could not believe KokTong and Derek could dance so well. Carl must have given some magic on them..as for the others, really good.....just that I wasdigusted by the 1st part of part3 of the dance...it was a bit erotic...anyway..tok about the best part...the front stage is always boring...the slacking time in the council room was great. crapping about erm..duno what...and taking pictures....I actually shot a pic of KokTong and Ber...and somehow, it looks like ber is leaning on KT...wah..like lovers...ok...joking only lar....haha Then it was like we had to clean out the food.Thursday July 7The same goes for thursday, Media meeting. So sad that Sp n Ray were late or there could be more noise. the best part was that mdm YO! was not coming...we were free from her torture....so we discussd avout the toapayoh project and kinda watch Mud it , steph n SP argue over it...haiz....Friday July 8Friday..can relax...NOT we had AM TQ, EM TQ, and ting sie...ai....muggged the book like crazy...Then the council had an EXCO meting. I had to go and Mrs Yeo wanted us to come up with council rules and regulations and punishment for thoe who break it. OMG! how can I come up with punishment? I am not that sadist lar...so then just council stuff. then the better part CoffeeBin! So do the things I like, talk to old people and play with the kids. The playing part was the best lor...we went jogging round the canal then we had to encourage the kids to run..Then got one girl fall down so Theresa(de COPE person) went to take her back. So what to do? Rest...when Theresa come back then we play.....Aiyatired laio....elaborat it later.....Zzzz
9:21 PM